“Hundreds of thousands descended on Washington, DC’s, Lincoln Memorial Aug. 28, 1963.
It was from the steps of the memorial that King delivered his famous I Have a Dream speech. King’s many speeches and nonviolent actions were instrumental in shaping the nation’s outlook on equality.”
—from Open Vault from WGBH
Educational Radio Network coverage of the 8/28/1963 March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom.
The 1963 March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom featured an estimated 250,000 peaceful demonstrators walking from the Washington Monument to the Lincoln Memorial to hear a political call to arms for economic equality and civil rights for African Americans. Credited with being the final impetus to the passing of the 1964 Civil Rights Act, the event famously ended with Martin Luther King Jr.’s historic “I Have a Dream” speech.
This collection of stories and audio files recording the historic 1963 March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom includes Martin Luther King Jr.’s inspiring speech “I have a Dream…” Source: The OpenVault from the WGBH Media Library and Archives