The disturbing reality that we don’t want to face is how deep COVID-19’s reach really is.
Yes, it impacts our physical health, and how we function as a society. But for victims of domestic violence, COVID-19 means spending months waiting for a chance to escape, continuing to live in a state of fear for their very lives, and possibly the lives of their children. In 2020, police calls requesting help with domestic violence situations spiked, both in NC, and across the US. In preparing for this pandemic, very few thought about planning for the inundation of domestic violence calls. If you or someone you know is a victim of domestic violence, you are not alone.
ONSMS Domestic & Intimate Partner Violence Awareness Resources
North Carolina Coalition Against Domestic Violence
North Carolina Domestic Violence Intervention Program
Get Help from NC Domestic Violence Service Providers
Futures Without Violence CUES Intervention for Healthcare Settings
Free Intimate Partner Violence (IPV) materials for healthcare settings from Futures Without Violence